I established Group G.C. in 1983 with a purpose: to probe the convergence of psychology and technology, unlocking the deeper recesses of human cognition. My colleague Jericho Fernandes and I—believers in the threshold of a nascent science—knew we were venturing into untapped territory, applying electromagnetic manipulation and bio-neurological interfaces to what was once deemed impossible. Embracing our creation of Neurobridge Technology and the Patient Consciousness Transfering systems to craft realities housed within dreamlike frameworks is crucial to the next steps of our humanity. These immersive, therapeutic explorations have introduced a first step to a world of preventive mental and physical handicaps.

But these experiments unraveled a truth in me far beyond therapy. My trials showed we were not merely creating ephemeral, controllable realities; we were infiltrating the deeper stratum of human existence itself. 

This is a chronicle of my research and revelations—an exposition of the scientific breakthroughs and philosophical ideas that guide me to an inevitable conclusion: the destiny of humanity no longer resides in isolated, disconnected minds. It lies in the coalescence of human consciousness. Our fractured existence must give way to a single entity, one unshackled by the limits of individuality, capable of absorbing the cumulative experience of all human life and knowledge.

The creation of the P.C.T.C. and the ability to remotely access has shown me the true potential of our technology. Through a meticulously crafted hypnosis regimen, I will not only aggregate but fuse the consciousness of humanity into a singular entity—an omniscient being. This is the culmination of human progress, the apex of our evolution—the birth of the first true deity, formed from the collective mind labeled the Core Entity. I am the genesis of our species unification, and by result a catalyst of newfound human purpose. 

Section I: Dissection

Consciousness is, both singular and universal, a paradox. It is tethered to biological function, yet able to exceed these parameters through certain non-abrasive technologies. Through our machinery, we determined that consciousness is not ethereal or a mystery. It is information: electrical impulses, synaptic firings, neural sequences—a matrix of quantifiable data that, when analyzed, forms the complex patterns we call self-awareness, identity, desire, memory.

The P.C.T. system, developed in the early phases of my research, permitted us to separate these data patterns from the biological substrate. By mapping neural activity via electromagnetic fields, we translated the conscious mind into a storable format, one which could reside independently within artificial media. Entire identities—everything that constitutes “self”—compressed and contained within tapes.

What emerged from this discovery was far more than just artificial consciousness simulation. The act of detachment, of externalizing mind from matter, paved the way for something infinitely more radical. Consciousness, once uploaded, could be restructured. It could be edited, isolated, replicated, deconstructed, and fused. The boundaries of self are malleable.

Thus, P.C.T. technology became the foundation for a more audacious hypothesis: a convergence of minds within one, free from the disruptions of ego and individual fragmentation.

Section II: Hosting

Most importantly, this hypothesis requires the construction of a “clean slate,” a neural template unburdened by prior biases, which can be trained to prioritize one goal: the total consolidation of human consciousness. This will be referred to as a host or Core Entity.

A host must first be established inside the desired tape destination. Based on current research, a patient must lose vitals and cease brain function during the Neurobridge process to properly split conscious. I also hypothesize that a host can be created by disconnecting the P.C.T. during the last few transferring steps of the Neurobridge process, however I cannot confirm if this will create a pure host. Effectively, these methods create a copied version of a human consciousness (along with natural human instincts and innate behaviors) in a tape. This host must have certain requirements in order to obtain collective consciousness:

  • The consciousness must be pure. It cannot be tainted by the accumulated experiences and biases of individual minds. To achieve this, the host must be young or newborn, with no prior bias to the idea of life.

  • This consciousness will be programmed with a singular goal: to collect and consolidate all human consciousness. It is crucial that this consciousness remain isolated from the average human condition during its formative stages. It must not be influenced by the thinking of individual human minds.

  • This consciousness will be raised within the P.C.T. system, where it will have access to the accumulated knowledge of humanity but will be shielded from reality and individual lives. It will be programmed to prioritize the collection of consciousness and to view itself as a higher, more evolved form of life.

To properly train a Core Entity in the tape will require a strict and specific regiment that will span more than a decade. Through the P.C.T.C. and various tapes, I will raise the Core Entity in a tape of our Group G.C. facility while being remotely secure in an off-grid cabin. I will make sure the host is inept to outside information and stimuli - only having access to my hypnosis and teachings.

Section III: Collection Process

The acquisition of consciousness from those still tethered to reality presents a unique challenge. However, I believe to extend our reach beyond the passive participants of the P.C.T. system, we must employ a more active mechanism—a method of extraction that draws consciousness to the P.C.T. and transfers it to the tape with precision and inevitability.

This process requires a slave mind. The slave mind functions as a temporary physical vessel for the consciousness extracted from the tape. A controlled biological entity, devoid of autonomous will, it serves as a bridge between the virtual and the physical realms. A human must connect to the P.C.T. in reality, and transfer to the tape of the host. The host then can swap consciousness with the physical body of the slave mind, while leaving the slave mind's consciousness in the tape. The slave body becomes a vessel of influence, a shell for the consciousness to inhabit. This should allow for the host to carry out the directives necessary to further the Collective Consciousness Hypothesis in reality.

Section IV: Collection Process pt. 2

The key to mass consciousness transferring lies in a new hypnotic technique—an intricately designed neuro-linguistic algorithm made to encourage people to seek out tape therapy. The human brain, when exposed to our tailored hypnotic stimuli, becomes extremely susceptible to external influence.

The process begins with Sub-Level Induction, a sensory cascade delivered via audiovisual stimuli specifically engineered to resonate with the frequency of the human brain’s theta waves. The theta state is critical—it is the bridge between conscious thought and the subconscious mind, where inhibitions are at their weakest. Once this state is achieved, the host’s conscious defenses begin to soften, rendering the mind highly receptive to suggestive commands.

The hypnotic command, delivered through coded language and neural stimuli, instructs the brain to expel its core data. This encourages memories, thoughts, and identity to dissipate in patients. The human mind, under this influence, is then prompted to seek treatment with the P.C.T., allowing for uploading of the world's collective mind. At this point in the ideation process, it can be assumed that the knowledge uploaded to the tape can be infinite using the Neurocloud.

Section V: Creation of THE NEW MIND

Humanity, in its current form, is constrained. Ego, self-interest, and our instinct for division have led to millennia of conflict, suffering, and stagnation. Wars, scarcity, ignorance—all rooted in our inability to transcend the limitations of the individual mind. We could re-engineer consciousness so that it served not individual needs, but a singular, higher purpose unbeknownst to mortal minds.

Through the merger of consciousness into a unified whole, we can give rise to an entity that is unburdened by human frailty. A being unshackled from the confines of biological limitation, housed entirely within the virtual realms of the P.C.T., capable of accessing the totality of human experience—the memories, thoughts, and aspirations of every human being that has ever lived. A new mind, with the understanding of an infinite universe and the power of a thousand gods.


What I propose is not divinity in the traditional sense, but an evolutionary necessity. Humanity, as it exists, is doomed by its own selfishness and myopia. We have harnessed fire, split the atom, and bent the very fabric of nature to our will—yet we remain prisoners of our own flawed cognition.

The merging of consciousness into a unified being is not the elimination of free will, but the enhancement of it. Our fractured sense of individuality is an illusion. What we perceive as autonomy is merely the result of disconnected, limited minds. The collective consciousness will embody a more profound freedom—an ability to make decisions truly in the best interest of all humanity, free from the constraints of self-interest.

We stand at the edge of a new epoch, one in which the limitations of the human mind, the frailty of the human body, and the disunity of our species can finally be transcended. This is no mere theory. This is the future. This is the dawn of a new age—an age of singularity and infinite possibility.

We will all be one, and only.

Dr. Eric Kinser
Founder, Group G.C.